between the use of concrete and abstract in Mathematics has been going around
for quite a long time. One group favors the old curriculum which focuses on
computational and symbolic manipulation skill, others say that the old
curriculum does not work and children have to learn Mathematics which is
centered on real-world problems. It is obvious the majority of education
society tends to favor the latter, with the development of mathematics learning
approaches like RME, as well as terms like ‘constructivism’ and ‘contextual
teaching learning’ being used widely and extensively. However it does not imply
that no one wants to defend the use of abstract learning materials. Kaminski,
Sloutsky, and Heckler’s (2008) publication, for instance, caused a major stir
by stating that students may gain more from learning Mathematics through
abstract, symbolic representation than from concrete examples.
Unaware of
all the elitist arguments, research and publications done by people of
influence though, Mathematics classrooms in most developing countries (which is
basically most countries) for various reasons are inclined to believe the
former standpoint rather than the latter. It is mainly because using concrete
and contextual learning material tend to use up a lot of time and money, which
is simply too problematic to carry out in an economically unaccommodating
condition. Interestingly enough, this is claimed to be the reason behind these
countries’ low rank in PISA. Indonesia, for example, only ranks as the 57th
in 2009 and the 64th in 2012. Zulkardi et. al. (2013) claimed that
it is due to students’ unfamiliarity with solving contextual problem. This
leads to a suggestion that some countries are put on clear advantage due to
their economic capability to fund Mathematics contextual teaching and learning.
Is PISA assessment unfair? Does the type of the problems need to be changed to
fit the participants’ background better?
The answer
to this question lies in the nature of PISA itself. First, PISA is designed to
find out whether or not students can use what they have learnt in school and
apply that knowledge to real life situations and problems (OECD, 2009). Of
course, the use of contextual problems comes as a no brainer. Second, PISA is
often seen as the world cup of international education, but testing and ranking
the students to see which one is better is not the main emphasis here. PISA
uses the test results to compare the effectiveness of each country’s education
system, determine the main characteristic of the higher ranking countries and use
it as a foundation for future policy making (OECD, 2009). Therefore the use of
contextual problem should not be a problem; not using it may kill the purpose
of the test.
The reason
PISA is biased, if at all, might lies at other things. The context itself is
one of them, along with the statistical method. Questions used in PISA have
been culturally or linguistically biased toward certain countries, but when
OECD tried to tackle this problem by ruling out questions suspected of bias, it
can “smooth out” the key difference between countries (Stewart, 2013). The data
is also problematic. Shanghai, for instance, scored number one in all three
domains during the 2009 test, leading to China being crowned the country with
best education system in the world. Shanghai province, whose population is 1.7%
of the entire China’s and historically known to comprise the elite and the
wealthy, in no way can be seen as representative of China. Some problem with
sampling also occurs in countries like UK and Denmark (Stewart, 2003), which
led to a conclusion that PISA “tend to say too much for what it can do and
tends not to publicize the negative or the weaker aspect” (Stewart, 2003).
J. A., Sloutsky, V.M, and Heckler, A.F. (2008). The advantage of abstract
examples in learning math. Science, 320,
OECD. (2009). PISA 2009 Assessment
Framework Key Competencies in Reading, Mathematics and Science. OECD.
W. (2013, July, 26). Is PISA
fundamentally flawed?. TES. Retrieved
from http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=6344672
et. al. (2013). Unfinished Student Answer in PISA Mathematics Contextual
Problem. IndoMS-JME, Volume 4, No. 2,
July 2013, pp. 188 – 193.
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